The GDPR has been in effect since May 25th, 2018. All the necessary process changes have undoubtedly long been implemented. Still, are all your employees fully aware of their part? Or, more importantly, do they realise that they are the key factor in the protection of personal data and the prevention of data breaches?

The online GDPR learning module
Awareways offers a GDPR learning module which focuses fully on the user. Your co-worker ultimately deciding on how to process privacy sensitive information. To create familiar situations, the Awareways GDPR module can be adapted and fine-tuned to the smallest detail to fit your daily situation.
Zijn alle medewerkers zich bewust van hun rol bij informatiebeveiliging? Wat zijn de gangbare normen? Is de organisatie voldoende bewust van de verantwoordelijkheden en potentiële bedreigingen? Hoe is het voorbeeldgedrag van het management?

Awareways and GDPR
Organizations have been working hard to be compliant with the law, especially up to the effective date of the GDPR, which has already been a year and a half ago. You couldn’t open your inbox without reading a message about the privacy legislation. That hype is now over, but it’s now up to companies to commit to staying GDPR compliant. There is an increasing emphasis on enforcement, so companies must remain focused on their tasks and responsibilities.
Customized online training
In the GDPR E-learning from Awareways, the focus is completely on the user. It is your colleague who ultimately makes the final choice in the processing of privacy-sensitive information. To create recognisable situations, the Awareways GDPR daily situation.
Like all our other online training courses, the GDPR learning module is offered in multiple languages, and this e-learning is made available on a user-friendly learning platform for various mobile devices.

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