Wave: security and privacy learning platform

We believe that learning about information security and privacy should be engaging and inclusive, and produce long-term behavioral change.

What is Wave?

Wave is a behavioral change platform where employees learn to work securely with information. The platform has been developed by Awareways, based on the latest insights from fields such as psychology, didactics and gamification. Wave is designed on the basis of microlearning: user-centered security and privacy-awareness training.

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Training is key to long-term behavioral change

Promoting security and privacy awareness is a tool; our real goal is sustainable behavioral change. With all our interventions, including Wave, our aim is to tailor information security and privacy awareness topics to each target group. After all, every employee is part of the security chain.

Within Wave, we combine theory with practice. We do this by having employees work in a safe virtual environment that is built up around real issues. We use various forms of multimedia microlearning to introduces employees to everyday scenarios that are relevant to your organization.

What are the main features of Wave?

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The user is central

Every user is unique and has a unique profile, to which different training courses can be linked. We can also offer (parts of) any training to specific target groups within the organization. New microlearnings can be added in the case of new, relevant security risks affecting users.

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Freedom to learn

Having the freedom to choose how and when to learn improves learning effectiveness. Combined with gamification, freedom to learn produces high levels of motivation and engagement. Wave is available in nearly 40 languages.

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Constantly in motion

Content must be current and relevant. Our content is written by experts and updated by our clients. Our team is constantly searching for the latest scientific insights and best practices to ensure maximum user resilience.

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Interactive Wiki knowledge center

A learning environment must be an attractive space. While playing, users build their own Wiki knowledge center. They are able to consult this on demand – to check the incident reporting procedure, for example, or find out how to recognize phishing emails.

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Focused on accessibility and inclusion

Every user deserves an accessible and inclusive learning experience. Pursuing this removes barriers and respects diversity. We actively work towards this and comply with the accessibility guidelines WCAG 2.1. Following an audit from the Accessibility Foundation, you’ll now find a statement of accessibility in Wave. You can read more about Wave’s recognition as an accessible learning platform here.

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Comprehensive reporting options

Wave gives you full control of your program and provides insights into how your organization is currently doing.

The Activity Dashboard shows how many employees are registered on the platform. The dashboard also visualizes the number of employees (as a percentage) who have started and completed a training course (or part of one).

Wave is constantly evolving. We continuously look for improvements for both existing participants and new users. For example, we can integrate Wave with SSO and LTI, and the content—a growing library of 65+ microlearnings and skill games on topics like security, privacy, integrity, compliance, and digital skills—is available in over 40 languages. Additionally, the data is hosted in Europe.

Contact us at info@awareways.com to find out more
or request a demo through our contact form below.