AWAREWAYS periodically organizes a Playtime event, where we get inspired by creators in an informal setting in and around our office.


Inspired by NPR Tiny Desk, AWAREWAYS periodically organizes a Playtime event. Not necessarily linked to security awareness, the goal is to inspire colleagues and other guests with performances by creative makers.

During the first edition on Friday 8 October, Daan Walder gave a presentation on the ethical issues of facial recognition software. Honey Camp, consisting of Daan Scherpenzeel and Karlijn Dinnissen performed original songs. The video above will give you an impression.

The second edition took place on December 16, you can find the video below. AWAREWAYS Playtime will be back in February, stay tuned!

The second edition of AWAREWAYS Playtime took place on December 16,
when we hosted (two thirds of) Misk Music who performed cover songs.

The next edition of Playtime will take place in February!


Every day you process, analyze and duplicate information, but how do you do that safely and in an ethically sound way? AWAREWAYS trains your employees to be information-aware (cybersecurity, privacy, compliance and integrity), at work as well as privately.

Thanks to our expertise in psychology, communication, gamification, didactics and design, we develop awareness programs for organizations like Heineken, Ministry of Justice & Security, Tax and Customs Administration, Allianz, Schiphol Airport and Volksbank. Communication (storytelling), design and creativity play a crucial role in our approach.