Data engineer Remy
Remy studied Engineering at Windesheim. A combination of innovation, engineering and design. During his study, he oriented himself broadly and searched for his passion. He was very enthusiastic about his minor in Process Optimization. It eventually made him decide to follow a master’s in industrial engineering and management at TU Twente. ‘I’ve always been more theoretically inclined and I got the feeling here I would gain more knowledge that would be really valuable to use in practice.’
After the broad orientation and getting his master’s, Remy started filtering and making his choices. He decided to go in the direction of data analysis and started working as a data analyst at Awareways. ‘I will focus mainly on standardizing and further developing our data analysis such as phishing analysis. So working efficiently and optimally.’ His agile and scrum skills come in handy here and he is making optimal use of as scrum master of his team.


Data scientist Mehrdad
Mehrdad grew up in Iran and knew from an early age that he wanted to live abroad. After earning his bachelor’s degree in software engineering, he left Iran to pursue a master’s degree in data science and business information in his new hometown of Pisa. After he finished his master’s he started working as a developer at different companies. But actually, he prefers working with data. He sees an opportunity to join Awareways as a data analyst. After some delay due to corona, he is finally in the Netherlands and providing our Data ‘N Analysis team.
Mehrdad is a real team player. ‘During my work here I want to help my team and the customers to get the best results. What questions are at play with our customers and how can we optimize this.’ Besides enjoying his job, he can already get used to the Dutch culture and the lunch table. ‘I get a lot of energy from the company atmosphere. This flexible environment really suits me. But the first time seeing everyone at the lunch table eating (Dutch) sandwiches was some getting used to, I will never forget that moment.’
Creative sociologist Serena
Serena successfully completed her studies in Communication and Multimedia Design. Within this study, she was heavily involved in graphic design and creative concepting. ‘I enjoyed being creative but also felt strongly that I wanted to do something else. More go into the depth and something that contributes socially.’ So she started a bachelor’s degree in sociology at Utrecht University. A broad study in which the subject of inequality piques her interest the most.
Serena doesn’t like to sit still and has already gained a lot of work experience alongside her studies in marketing. She will now gain work experience as a project supporter at Awareways. ‘I really like that Awareways works project-based, working together toward an end goal. I also like that I am free to develop in areas that interest me and have many opportunities to grow. Perfect job to combine this with my studies.’

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