Communication specialist Lisette
Lisette really only had one dream in her younger years, to go to America for a year of high school. She managed to accomplish this in Dallastown, Pennsylvania. Upon her return, she is still searching for her direction to go but eventually starts studying International Communication & Media at the Hogeschool Utrecht. Her passion for travel comes in handy here and she makes a trip to Seoul for her minor. Communication suits her well and she continues her study career during the Masters of Business Communication and Digital Media in Tilburg. ‘I particularly enjoy using communication in such a way that as many people as feel involved in the message.’
Lisette starts the job as a customer experience specialist at a large corporate. Here, she was close to the client and was able to put her knowledge into practice. ‘It was precious for me to work at such a large organization. I was able to develop myself and also discovered which norms and values within a work environment are important to me.’
After a few years, she was ready for a new challenge and wanted to work at a smaller organization with a social purpose. She ended up at Awareways through a friend and was immediately excited about her new role as program manager. And it was mutual. Despite being unfamiliar with cybersecurity, she likes the position. ‘What I like about Awareways is the short lines of communication everyone has with each other. That makes the learning curve extra large.’


Educationist & teacher Joshi
Joshi started her path within education while studying academic teacher education in Utrecht. This unique study combines the Dutch teacher training program with the university course in educational sciences. Being the teacher always seemed like fun to her but she discovered that she didn’t want to do teaching for 5 days a week. ‘Teaching was something I really enjoyed, but I did miss a bit of the cognitive side.’ After her bachelor’s, she is diligently pursuing a master’s degree in educational sciences. Alongside this, she is going to work 2 days a week as a teacher. She likes this combination.
With her master’ in her pocket, she continues to combine teaching with her new job as an assessment & learning consultant. After a number of enjoyable years, she makes the transition to full-time educational consultant in MBO education. She is involved in developing MBO courses and exams. Besides education, she also learned a lot about cooperation and dealing with different interests. And of course about the other branches and target groups. She now enjoys being part of the learning & development team at Awareways. ‘I like a challenge in my work and want to progress. I’ve really found that here because of the freedom and independence.’ Joshi is involved in developing new learning interventions and assessments. ‘Everyone is very involved, which really allows us to create more support.’
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