Conversation Starter Game

Start the conversation about cybersecurity, information security and privacy in your organization.

Conversation Starter Game

What is it?

The goal of this game is to start a conversation about information security and privacy in your organization. Using stimulating statements, difficult dilemmas and questions, you will discover surprising answers, insights and conversations. What do you choose when you have to choose between information security or easy work? The game provides a starting point for conversations about information security. By sparking internal discussion, information security becomes an easy-going and everyday topic.

Conversation Starter Game

How does it work?

There are several ways to play this game. Choose a game suggestion that suits your setting and organization. For example, you can play a round of it in a small group during a meeting or put the cards down at the coffee machine. You can vary the number of rounds of play, type of cards and duration. Anything is possible!

  • Start the conversation
  • Connects teams
  • Can be played anytime, anywhere
  • Stimulates discussions
  • Can be played in different group sizes (2 – 25)
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