The launch of Wave
The next generation security
and privcay awareness training.
The launch of Wave
The next generation security and
privacy awareness training.
Activate security-aware behavior
Today we are proud to take a major step forward in the world of managed security awareness training. Introducing our very own security and privacy awareness learning experience platform, Wave! In this platform, employees learn to work safely with information. It was developed based on the latest insights in fields such as psychology, didactics and gamification – and, ofcourse, security and privacy. In Wave full accessibility is central because everyone should be able to learn. It is designed based on micro-learnings that form user-centered security and privacy awareness training. Want to learn more about how Wave can help you?
Gamification in security culture
The Human Firewall training of Awareways got the lead role in the scientific research on the proven value of gamification in security culture. This research from TU Delft uses our Human Firewall training to show that games have the potential to reinforce security culture but also encourage small change actions. Suzanne Janse and Annebeth Erdbrink, authors of the article, tell more about the research. Read here more about the article.
The gripping magic of a customized game
An overlap in vision and approach created a partnership between Awareways and Game Tailors. “After all, a customized game can help with awareness and learning.” Say Olivier and Bas, founders of Game Tailors. This has a lot of overlap with the elements of gamification in our approach. Read here the full interview.
Awarecast #3 is live
What is gamification and how does it contribute to behavioral change? Our host Joost will find out in the third episode together with our guests: Olivier, founder of Game Tailors, and Tommie, account executive at Awareways and former UX & Gamification designer. Listen to our newest episode.
Stay tuned…
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