Newsletter March 2022
Dear reader,
In our first AWAREWAYS update of 2022, we’ve proudly told you all about the growth of our organization, and the various expertise teams at the heart of it. Today, our Learning & Development team takes center stage, as we zoom in on their application of gamification in our learning environments, maximizing the effect of our challenging interventions!
- Whitepaper gamification: let’s level up!
- Introducing: Pascal Koelemij, psychologist
- Knowledge and design thinking sessions
Our ‘L&D’ unit is always looking for new insights and solutions on the road to sustainable behavior change. That’s why we are happy to tell you more about the application of gamification in our learning environment and its many benefits in our latest whitepaper.
Let’s level up!
Why gamification in security awareness training? Because the application of game principles in learning interventions increases interaction, engagement and enhances the efficiency of the learning process. We’d love to tell you exactly how this works in more detail. | Leave your email here if you’d like our whitepaper in your inbox
NB Subscribers will find our whitepaper
attached to our March newsletter!
Introducing: psychologist Pascal Koelemij, L&D
Pascal Koelemij has joined our L&D team with degrees from Leiden University (Psychology) and Amsterdam University (Training & Development) and experience as a trainer at We are happy to introduce him to you, while he immediately takes the opportunity to explain the overall vision of Learning & Development. |
Read the full interview here
Growing a knowledge network
AWAREWAYS is at the heart of an ever-expanding network of fine clients – from local municipalities and national government agencies to SME’s and the major international organizations. This offers enormous potential for valuable knowledge sharing.
Our goal is to mediate this by organizing design thinking sessions with small groups of peers who are facing the same challenges. During these sessions, guided by various experts, creative solutions are devised in which the human factor is always central.
Stay tuned…
AWAREWAYS keeps you up to date on current developments
in security, privacy, data integrity and ‘the human factor’.
Geertje, Arthur, Maarten
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our latest insights in the field of security awareness.