How to increase reporting willingness outside the office?
An accessible reporting process is essential for information security. However, our cultural survey reveals a striking contrast: while 79% of office-based employees find it easy to report an incident, this [...]
The strength of Awareways’ 4-phase training approach
Each month, we dive into a current psychological insight from our social psychologists and how to apply it in the pursuit of an information-aware organisational culture.
Introducing four new members of the team
It’s been a minute since we’ve shared a team update, so let’s come back strong and introduce four new colleagues: Cláudia, Juriaan, Kim and Yaren!
Unconscious incompetence: The hidden challenge in information Security
Every month at Awareways, we delve into a current psychological insight from our social psychologists and how we can apply it in striving for an information-aware organizational culture.
“But they also (don’t) do it’’
Each month at Awareways, we dive into a current psychological insight from our social psychologists and how to apply it in the pursuit of an information-aware organizational culture.
Mystery guest reveals growth opportunities in offline security
In this digital world, we sometimes overlook the risks of physical information security. Unlocked screens, scattered information, and unauthorized access pose real risks that we need to address.
Awareways Connect: Recap of the first edition and a glimpse into the future
In March, the first edition of Awareways Connect took place. During this event, clients met each other, discussed challenges, and explored how we can collectively achieve more through co-creation.
Introducing our new management team
We are excited to inform you of an important development within our organization. As a company that has always been focused on growth and innovation, it is crucial for us [...]
The latest addition to learning platform Wave: AI (artificial intelligence) basics
On security awareness learning platform Wave, we offer organisations a new micro-learning module around Artificial Intelligence (AI), in which you can train employees on everything they need to know about [...]
World privacy day
In the days before Privacy Day, we are startled by a report about the 'mother of all data breaches'. 26 billion records are out in the open!! But are we [...]
Effectief inzetten van framing
Effective framing can make messages more relatable, persuasive and actionable for the target audience. We'll give you two examples of framing, around the use of strong passwords, that you can [...]
The importance of the forgetting curve in security awareness training
The forgetting curve by Hermann Ebbinghaus (1885) is a true classic. Ebbinghaus is after all one of the founding fathers of experimental psychology. And even today, the theory still holds [...]
Working securely in 2024: 5 psychological tips to make your resolutions a success
How are your efforts to handle data safely and securely going, now that we're two weeks into the new year? Staying true to your intended behaviour can be challenging. Every [...]
Awareness training Open Government Act
The Dutch government is required to actively disclose information under the Open Government Act. On security awareness learning platform Wave, we are introducing a quiz for (government) organizations in regards [...]
Smishing, a combination of sms text messaging and phishing, is a form of fraud where text messages are used to trick you.
Smishing, a combination of sms text messaging and phishing, is a form of fraud where text messages are used to trick you.
Adaptive learning: tailoring training to the individual participant
We believe that learning about information security should be attractive and accessible if you want to change behavior sustainably. And that people are willing to improve their behavior if they [...]
WAVE officially recognized as an accessible learning platform
We believe that learning about information security should be engaging and accessible. At Awareways, the topic of accessibility has therefore played a leading role in all our learning programs since [...]
Introductie Za-Zie Kuipers and Floor Warmelts
Not one, but two new colleagues in this Awareways update: in the past month we welcomed both Za-Zie Kuipers and Floor Warmelts to the team of program managers. We'd love [...]
Back2Work: five vulnerabilities in the workplace
We understand that coming back from a well-deserved retreat takes some adjusting, from relaxing at the beach to concentrating and hard work… That's why we've put together this refresher to [...]
Awareways in Top 250 Growth companies in The Netherlands 2023
Awareways has been included in the Top 250 Growth Companies, the list compiled annually by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and nlgroeit.
Introduction Tessa
Meet Tessa, a master’s student in Neuroscience & Cognition, and a true bridge builder between how our brain works and how we keep our online world secure
AI and data analytics
How can a program like ChatGPT – or AI in general – support the daily routine of our Data 'N Analytics cluster?
AI and Learning & Development
When the task is providing challenging new interventions in our learning experience platform, always focusing on maximal learning efficiency, how can an AI-tool support that mission?
ChatGPT x Awareways: Opportunities for information security
We asked Awareways employees from different clusters to what extent they already use ChatGPT and what they see as opportunities and challenges.
Travel safe 2023
The out-of-office season is here! Has your office become a little more quiet too? This might be a good time to put some extra focus on security awareness training in [...]
introduction – Hector
Embracing adventure and innovation. His journey as a Software Developer. Hector, a passionate software developer from Barcelona, Spain, embarked on a remarkable journey that took him across different countries and [...]
Conversation Starter Game
Start the conversation about cybersecurity, information security and privacy in your organization. Find out more about our new intervention The Conversation Starter Game.
The Role of the Individual
"I have an important role in the secure handling of information within my organization." A statement from our Security Awareness Culture Scan that measures, analyzes and increases information security maturity [...]
RSA 2023 insights
We believe that at Awareways we are on the right track to address this need. That is why we are really happy that during the RSA conference, we were able [...]
World Password Day: 5 tips to close out our Password Month
Over the past month, we’ve talked about the urgency for strong passwords. To finalize our celebration of Password Month, here are the essential 5 tips for proper password management.
Week 4: uniqueness is key to strong passwords
What if we all had the same password? For all of our accounts?
Week 3: the importance of making an effort
We’ve asked 21.000 people if they think it is important to make an effort to come up with a strong password.
RSA conference 2023
This year we are attending RSA conference in San Francisco again. We would love to keep you informed about all the important updates and knowledge gained.
Week 2. Never write your passwords down
We asked 9.000 people if they do in fact write their passwords down.
How to secure your Identity Management?
Within a company, everyone deals with different identities that need to be protected. Read our tips about secure Identity Management.
Week 1. Strong passwords: difficult to think of, difficult to crack
Passwords are the access to your email, your digital workplace and all your accounts online and therefore a favorite target of criminals. Which is why we have asked 40.000 people [...]
Skills gaming in Wave: Clickventure & Risky Business
In security awareness learning platform Wave, we train your employees to work securely and keep information safe. Our approach includes skill gaming, an innovative form of microlearning. In this update, [...]
Step-by-step learning through innovative microlearnings
Wave is a security awareness learning platform where you learn to work securely with information. The platform is based on 'microlearnings' that form a user-centered security and privacy awareness training. [...]
Introduction: Sjoerd, Lotte, Xavier & Lieke
We continue to grow. Today we dive into the lives of Sjoerd, Lotte, Xavier & Lieke. Get to know them better.
Data Privacy Week: tips for stronger passwords
Data Privacy Week is an international effort to encourage companies to respect privacy, secure data and enable (more) trust. Awareways is putting the focus this week on strong passwords - [...]
Awareways SMS phishing training
Smishing or SMS phishing is a form of scam in which Internet criminals approach their targets with text messages. The goal of SMS phishing is also known as smishing. It [...]
Clean Out Your Computer Day
In today’s digital age, computers play a crucial role in our daily lives. From work to entertainment, we rely on them to get things done and stay connected. So it’s [...]
Introduction: Lisette & Joshi
It is with great pleasure that we welcome these two colleagues. Besides a lot of energy, they are also bringing in a lot of knowledge. Meet Lisette, program manager and [...]
4 tips for an effective security awareness program
Effective implementation of security awareness training? Don't struggle with programs for compliance sake, but read these tips first!
Introduction: Marlou, Fieke, Tycho and Youssef
We welcome new talent! Two program managers and two project supporters from diverse backgrounds join Awareways. Get to know Marlou, Fieke, Tycho and Youssef.
What part do managers play in rolling out a successful security awareness program?
What part do managers play in rolling out a successful security awareness program? An interview with Jet Woudstra, Compliance & Quality Officer, and Jordan Holewijn, Security Officer, at ORTEC.
Preparing for the NIS2 directive, the biggest game changer since the GDPR
The NIS2 directive - and the resulting legislation - is coming. This may mean for your organization not only that you need to have your cyber defenses under control, but [...]
Introduction: Zacharias, Afonso, Tolu, and Priyanka.
The launch of our learning experience platform, Wave, could not have happened without the development team. Recently, this team has expanded considerably. We would like to introduce them to you.Â
The proven value of gamification in security culture
'Games have the potential to strengthen security culture, especially when deployed as part of a broader program of interventions.' That is the conclusion of 'Cybersecurity and human behavior: the added [...]
New colleagues in November
Overview Introduction 31 October 2022 Introduction: Remy, Mehrdad and Serena We continue to introduce our new contributors to you. Today the trio consisting of Remy, [...]
Serious gaming: learning through play with Game Tailors
We'd love to introduce you to Game Tailors, a young software company that develops games that bring education to the next level.
‘Most governments are less mature in information security than commercial companies’
Governmental organizations are generally less mature in information security than their commercial and nonprofit counterparts. That is the conclusion of Awareways research into organizational types in information security maturity levels.
Awareways Mystery Guest: wolf in disguise
If you google-search "hacker", you always end up with those familiar images of one in a hoodie, behind a laptop in some dark room. In the real world, it’s rather [...]
Checklist: how to ensure effective implementation of new security measures?
A checklist for implementing new safety measures effectively, befitting your employees, your company culture and the purpose of the action.
Operation Phishing Rod: analysing our e-mail phishing simulations
Awareways analysis: what can we learn from the data collected throughout our phishing campaigns - about this form of fraud and about our approach?
Introducing Ann Schoot Uiterkamp
AWAREWAYS update! We figured it would be cool to take our security awareness 'movement' literally and sponsor someone that is moving forward in her sport and is very result driven [...]
Welcome to the Security Awareness Movement
In the run-up to the upcoming RSA Conference, the world's leading information security conference in San Francisco (Juni 6-9), we are proud to launch our new brand story and we [...]
The deciding factor in an awareness campaign
Creative communication campaigns are an important part of our approach. Our experts develop powerful concepts as a framework for your entire security awareness campaign. For everything from a one-off guerrilla [...]
AWAREWAYS in Now Tech: Security Awareness and Training
Forrester has published its Now Tech: Security Awareness and Training report van Forrester. Security leaders can use this publication to understand the value they can expect from an SA&T vendor, [...]
Introducing: Jelle Looijen
"Account executive, business developer, commercial ambassador – the job title is not interesting, I just think 'sales' in particular is an ugly word. Being service oriented and interacting with our [...]
Introducing: Pascal Koelemij
So many new colleagues, so little time... Today we would like to introduce Pascal Koelemij, which also provides an opportunity to tell you a bit more about Learning & Development, [...]
Managed Security Awareness Training: from awareness to behavioral change
Security Awareness is the foundation for information security, but a meaningful and lasting culture change is the goal. That requires an investment in time, money and knowledge, and a management [...]
Increased levels of cyber threat | Update from the NCSC
International cybersecurity centers, including the NCSC, are warning of an increased level of cyber threats due to current developments related to Russia and Ukraine. During this heightened threat, it is [...]
Wanted: Intern Marketing & Communications
We are looking for a (future) communications specialist who wants to test, improve or simply share with the world their newly acquired (or upcoming) MarCom skills in the daily practice [...]
The popularity of phishing among cyber criminals is unabated: be prepared
Het was ook in de laatste maanden van 2018 onmogelijk om nieuwsberichten over phishing te vermijden in de media. Vrijwel dagelijks verschenen er items over deze vervelende vorm van cyberfraude [...]
Working remote? 7 tips to keep computer viruses out too
Werk je al thuis, of ga je volgende week door de nieuwe voorschriften rond het coronavirus meer vanuit huis doen? Sta dan even stil bij informatieveiligheid! Want dat slimme maatregelen [...]
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