Everyone sometimes does a favor to someone else. But what do you do when your neighbour asks you to check the status of a file? Access to information gives you power and your work involves a lot of sensitive and strictly confidential information, such as access to files and exchange rate sensitive information. You have a certain mandate to process this information, but how do you deal with this power? In the Integrity module, we go into more detail about this and discuss, among other things, the various integrity violations and their risks.

Integrity is important in any organization. When an organization has integrity, it has the trust of society and its customers. As an employee it is therefore important to be aware that you are acting with integrity. An honest person adheres to the prevailing norms and values and is honest and reliable.
However, norms and values change over the years. This means that you have to be continuously aware of these changes and the influence they can have on the exercise of functions. Corruption, fraud and theft can easily be recognized as a violation of integrity. But what about things like misconduct and intimidation? When is there a conflict of integrity and how do you deal with it?

Awareways integrity e-learning
Awareways offers an Integrity Online Learning Module, in which you, as a user, go through different recognizable situations. These situations are then assessed for integrity, which allows you to develop more knowledge and a sense of what is honest and what is not. Integrity is not a black and white concept, but there is a large grey area. The aim of this learning module is to create awareness among employees so that they can use this knowledge and this feeling when choices have to be made. For example, do you accept the customer’s invitation, why or why not? Or if your neighbour asks you to check the status of his file, do you do this?
Awareways’ Integrity Learning Module can be adapted in detail to your daily situation.
Getting started
Start with the Awareways Integrity Online Learning Module. We take employees with us in recognisable situations where integrity can sometimes be difficult to identify. During the search for a potential integrity conflict, you will come across the most important aspects of integrity. What is the difference between hard and soft integrity violations, what are the different types of integrity violations, and what do you need to do if you find such an integrity violation?
Get the basic knowledge that every employee should have about integrity in just 15 minutes.

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