Get your organization CyberFit with Wave!

With Wave, we target all of your organization’s security and privacy muscle groups. Under professional guidance, your employees go through a full-body workout in terms of knowledge, insight and skills in information security and privacy.

Your organization CyberFit? Follow the Awareways 3-step routine!

Communication boosts motivation
Putting your resolutions into practice starts with the right motivation. With Wave’s communication toolkit, you’ll make the how, what and why of training very clear, helping your employees get motivated to participate and get into gear!

Measure your progress
When you train, you want to see results. Which is why within Wave, we measure your organization’s security muscle composition and you can see if your people need to do some more Security Sit-ups, or if they need some more Privacy Push-ups.

Your personal trainer
Persevering when the going gets tough, that’s where many good intentions falter, but with our Managed Services we help you with the implementation, planning and execution of your Wave program. This is how you get into cyber shape!
When you’re fit, you’re more flexible and can take a beating. The same goes for your organization.
With Wave, you’re building a healthy digital lifestyle for your employees. And with these sporty CyberFit socks, you’re taking your first step in the right direction! So fill in your details and we will contact you without any obligations.